
Apache 2.4.10 hangs all subsequent requests after initial request from IE 10/11

Apache 2.4.10 hanging after a request from IE 10/11. 

I had a new install of ColdFusion 10 over Apache 2.4.10 running in Win2008 server on VmWare ESXi5. There was only a single website running with nothing fancy other than the use of mod_rewrite.

Every so often the site would freeze. A simple restart of apache would fix the issue.  After looking into the ColdFusion and Apache logs I was at a loss as to the root cause. It wasn't until I tested the site using Internet Explorer 10 that I was able to reproduce the issue.

When making a request from IE 10 the initial page would load without issue. Any subsequent request would hang. Once the server was hung the site was also unreachable from any other browser on any other platform.

Win2008 server x64
VmWare ESXi5
Apache 2.4.10 x64

Once I had the issue more narrowed down I was able to find the solution.  Apparently, the MPM (Multi-Processing Module) implementation for Windows coupled with running the server on VMware is to blame.

To fix the issue the following lines were added to the httpd.conf file:
# Fix Windows MPM issue for IE 10
AcceptFilter http none
AcceptFilter https none 

More information can be found in the Apache Documentation.




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